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Florida voting issues and the 2012 Election Day results.

 The election for the 2012 presidency is almost over. There are still issues with Florida and the methods to count votes. It seems to be a known issue that Florida voting has issues, but we will see what their results are..

Obamas, Bidens at victory rally
President Barack Obama held onto a slim lead in Florida, but he didn't need the state to win re-election.
Obama won another four years in the White House late Tuesday when he captured several other swing states. In Florida, the race was too close to call as 200,000 votes had yet to be counted.
Long lines at the polls and last-minute absentee ballots were the reasons why elections officials in certain counties were going to count votes on Wednesday.
Miami-Dade elections officials said 18,000 uncounted absentee votes would be tallied Wednesday; Pinellas officials said they had 9,000 to count. With 98 percent of the vote, Obama had 49.9 percent of the state's vote to Romney's 49.2 percent.
Obama addressed cheering supporters at his victory party in Chicago early Wednesday morning.
Governor Mitt Romney conceded the race in a telephone call to the president. He gave a gracious and brief speech in front of supporters in Boston.
Obama swept several other swing states, including Ohio and Pennsylvania.

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